6 comments on “Some Of My Favorite Moments from 2010

  1. Well it’s certainly been a pleasure following you – and I think you probably know all these trails better than I do by now. (You surely know the wildlife better!)

    Always looking forward to more great work!…

    • Hi Mark
      I was amazed looking back to see the changes in my photography, especially with the new cameras/lenses. Thank You for all the generous help and the warm welcome to Arkansas!
      Kindest Thoughts and Wishes,

      PS the fog was great today for my hike… it’s really dropped over Hot Springs Mountain in the past 30 minutes. I can’t see it from my window and I am across the street LOL

  2. Many of these are my favorites too! Thanks for sharing them again. A few of them, I had the honor of seeing them with you and it is amazing how long they “stay with you”; so long after the photo is taken. It’s like a moment in time that never evaporates. Love ur DH Rick x0x0

    • Baby there is no better description to describe how I feel when I see my blog photographs “It’s like a moment in time that never evaporates.” ~ Rick London
      I Love You
      Love Your DW Lee xx00xx

  3. These are stellar shots! I wish they were mine! These are the things that allow us to remember with vivid detail the adventures we’ve had years later. Well done and thanks for sharing.

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