About Lee Hiller

Lee Hiller Hiking in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

Lee Hiller Hiking in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

Writer/Photographer: Lee Hiller

Twitter IDs: @LeeHillerLondon | @HikeOurPlanet | @LeeHillerDesign
Contact Our Office At: HikeOurPlanet@HikeOurPlanet.com

I am neither guru or expert, I prefer to think of myself as an “encouraging advocate” for planet earth. Getting people excited about reconnecting with Nature via my blog Hike Our Planet (HikeOurPlanet.com) is my goal. Once we see and feel our connection with the natural world it is inevitable we will want to protect our fragile environment. Who can forget how Jacques Cousteau’s “The Cousteau Odyssey” changed how we view our oceans and the creatures that call it home. It was a gentle persuasion encouraging us to Love a rarely seen marine environment by taking us on their adventures. I would Love to in some small way bring awareness and caring for Nature and it’s fragile environment via my hiking and photography.

Lee Hiller Hiking in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

Lee Hiller Hiking in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

Growing up in Oregon Green Living was part of everyday life, and 53 years on it is as Natural as breathing. This is not to say I have not gotten off course from time to time, I am human after all. Caring for the environment has always been a major part of my life. I can remember as a child recycling, composting and working in the garden. My Father was in touch with Nature and taught me early on to work with it not against it’s organic flow. He would always say “leave the weeds in the vegetable garden as the insects prefer eating them”. He never used pesticides and we always used natural sprays of garlic and cayenne pepper as an insect deterrent.

I often feel as if the Green movement is catching up with what I was taught as a child. For me Green means adopting old ideas and adding new ideas in an effort to act responsibly while recognizing we live in the electronic age. I was proud to be a Greenie Tree Hugger even when it was considered a fringe idea.

When I moved to Arkansas to be with my beloved husband (then fiance’) OffBeat Cartoonist Rick London introduced me to the mountains of Hot Springs National Park.  He had often expounded on the beauty of the Forests in and around his home of Hot Springs.  Who could resist his tales of adventures with loving companion Thor (a bearded collie mix). When I arrived and first looked up at Hot Springs Mountain it seemed impossible I would be hiking up down and around the various mountains and trails within the park.  I told my husband it would be many months before I would attempt hiking in his beloved mountains. A few weeks later I headed up on a whim with my camera .

Excerpt from first blog post: My Love Affair with Hot Springs National Park
“As someone who was a just a basic flat sidewalk walker I never imagined I would be hiking 4 miles most everyday on the many park trails.  Hot Springs National Park has carved my mind, spirit and body into a nature loving “Mountain Woman”.   I hope you will enjoy my trail information, photos and adventures as I explore the beauty of Hot Springs National Park, the Gulpha Gorge and the Ouachita Mountains.

It is with great Love that I dedicate my entire blog and all future entries to my Love/Fiance’  Rick who has never once complained about my love affair with Hot Springs National Park.”

Where does a couple who Love the Ouachita Mountains get married? On June 18th 2010 we were married in the 1914 hikers rest hut (Our Wedding Chapel) located on the Honeysuckle Trail in Hot Springs National Park.

Our Mountain Wedding June 18 2010

Our Mountain Wedding June 18 2010

Honeysuckle Trail Wedding Chapel

Honeysuckle Trail Wedding Chapel

Lee Hiller

Lee Hiller

I am passionate about Nature, Photography and Poetry, I hope you will stop by often to see what my lens has captured.  I am happy to custom design or create a special item for you or a loved on using my many photographs or designs, please contact me for pricing.

When I am not hiking I design items from my photographs.  These items can be viewed and purchased at Lee Hiller Designs | Lee Hiller Design | Lee Hiller Designs and Photography (on Amazon) | Lee Hiller Photography | Lee Hiller PhotoPoet Store | Lee Hiller vegan Designs

My first steps on the trails of Hot Springs National Park were inspired by my eloquent beloved husband Rick and for that I am forever grateful.

Have a Glorious Adventure Today filled with Love Joy and Peace.

Keep Calm and Hike On

Keep Calm and Hike On

PS: Please note all Photographs and Text on this site are the Sole Property of and Copyright to Lee Hiller.

26 comments on “About Lee Hiller

  1. Lee-

    I love the blog about Hot Springs and your journey to Arkansas -the photos are fabulous and as usual your words are lovely.


  2. Lee:
    You always amaze me even more every time I read your article & view your breathtaking photo’s.

    You are truly blessed to have such talent.

    I can’t wait to see you & Rick in April…

    Love, your lil sis

  3. Baby, Even though I have lived in this nature for eleven years, this blog brings it to the forefront. It is not that I did I appreciate it; its beauty and serenity is what drew me here and though I’ve had opportunties in other places; nothing came close to this mountain town. Thank you of reminding me with your
    art (photography) and seeing what is right out our door. Love Rick

  4. Lee, you are looking healthy…
    .Nikon or Canon… I use Canon. By the way, there is a hotel ( Arlington…is it still there?) I used to go to to escape on occasion…some rooms had the springs directly in it , and a classy group that worked there ….even the bellboy knew a Louis Vuitton when he saw one…( I am smiling)
    Perhaps one day I will drive over again …take the Duck around with my camera ( lol …not the back seats) and you will do a hike with me and show me some prime photo ops…JennB

    • I feel amazing have not been this fit in years. The Arlington is here and Rick and I had an amazing Christmas dinner there. The buffet was spectacular. Yes, some of the room have private springs even Al Capone called it home.

      Every spot is a prime spot in the park on the right day :o) It’s not the camera it’s the eye behind it I am digital girl film not longer.


  5. Photo op on Monday. We’ll be working inside some of the spring boxes. Yup! A Government worker REALLY Working! LOL! I hope to be in full swing by 10AM, with my crew.

    • Thank You Ralf! I can’t wait! Photos of Government workers really working, it will be an Internet Sensation!

  6. Hey Girl,
    I ran into you on the trail on Sunday – it was spectacular! I was silly that I didn’t let you take my photo. I took some photos today – but they don’t even come close to capturing the intense-ness of seeing it in person. So COOL! WOW!
    Fun Site – I’ll stay tuned.
    Have a wonderful day. Gallary Walk this fine Friday – and The Poet’s Loft has a Poet Slam on Saturday nite. Do you ever go there?
    I’ll see you again on a trail – to be sure!

    • Hey Cat!,
      I know we will mee on the trail again and next time you will let me take your photo. We were so fortunate on Sunday it was like walking through a glass forest, so beautiful. Although I loved the photos I took it just did not compare to being there. Surreal, serene and fantastical. Oh Poetry slam sounds like a great idea for Saturday night! I have not been yet and it’s just down the road.
      Much Love,

  7. Lee, love your site, love your pictures. I was a commercial advertising photographer in LA for 15 yrs before I started wandering the Peruvian Amazon flowing water to the people.. I see you asking for suggestion on camera options. I just purchased a nikonD5000 that I am liking in the field.

    But I have a dear dear friend, that teaches photography around the world, and if you’d like to run your options by here, I can put you in touch. She is in the NOW . She is a soul sista and knows A LOT about the technical part of the craft , and she is bird lover too!

    Lots of love and that again from me and the kids for listing House of the Children as a charity on your Twitter site! 🙂 Nan

    • Dear Nan
      Thank You for your kind words about my blog. I am strictly an amateur photographer, it’s a passion to bring nature to those who do not have access to parks and wildlife. :o) Looking for a Digital camera that has lens options for Zoom and Macro but most importantly can survive heat, cold, rain and humidity :o) would love an email from your friend she can us the contact info on the about me page,

      Thank You for taking care of the children in Peru your work is of the Angels.

      Love and Hugs,

  8. Lee,
    Thanks for taking a picture of my sons Jesse and Corey and their new Christian friend Josh on the trail of Hot Springs Mountain yesterday. I am a publicist for the City of Hot Springs. I serve as the City’s official photographer/videographer/editor, Webmaster, and HSTV Channel 15 government access TV content manager/creator, amongst my other duties promoting city government services, creating city publications and acting as a general liason to the citizenry. I am meeting with the three young men in your photo and a local Christian band representative in just a few minutes to discuss publicity for their upstart street ministry and music promotion. Should be interesting. Any ideas or contacts would be welcome. my cell is 501-609-6492, Corey’s is 54–501-545-8172, and Jesse’s is 501-617-1156. You have permission to distribute this contact information in any manner.

  9. Hi Lee,

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures and your description of your travels. Day-to-day is sometimes so very busy. Your blog reminds me that I am human and a member of this magical place we call Earth.

    Thanks again,

    Phil E.

  10. Hello fellow Nature Lover,
    I found you today on the wp post, “Eating Animals.” and they deleted your post, which I loved, then they closed it for comments. Anyway, delete this first paragraph after you read it if you want since it’s not about your blog, and then keep this….

    Great photos! 😉

    • Lovely to meet you Gigi I read your Olympian articles when I saw your post on “Eating Animals.”. My posting was harsher than the one eliminated as I edited out two paragraphs. :o) I think she was searching for people who would validate her desire to return to eating meat.

      Thank You for the lovely comment about my photographs, my Forest friends are the reason I gave up eating meat.
      Kindest Thoughts and Wishes,

      Twitter: @LeeHillerLondon

  11. Wow, some truly amazing Arkansas wildlife photos. Great eye and talent. I also live in Hot Springs, and enjoy the wildlife and all the area has to offer. I followed you on Twitter, and will post on Facebook about your wonderful pictures. I have a website http://www.allwildlife.org, which has photos, and wildlife conservation information for regular people who choose to make a difference by protecting the beautiful world we live in. Thanks again for taking the time to take and share such awesome pictures.
    Kelly Dupree

  12. This is a great blog. The nature photography is stunning and it reminds me of all the times i have discovered the outdoors. It also inspires me to return to the outdoors and makes me remember to take my camera with me. Keep up the good work.

  13. I feel (and am) lucky to live on this planet with you and every now and again, share your path. I love our mountains, our natural surroundings, the peace, the serenity, and you. I’m amazed at how you started with nothing but a camera and built it into this wonderful window into our world, what we wake up to; what we hike through, and what you so beautifully capture on film (or digital I guess would be technically what to call it). I know if I didn’t live here with you, I’d want to. If I knew I’d never live here, I know I’d be doubly happy and excited to see your blog posted each time, because in a way, it brings me right onto the path (even on hikes on which I don’t go). Thank you for sharing this wonderful endeavor with me (and the rest of the world). As you know, I cherish our mountains, nature, and its inhabitants as well. x0x0x0 Love ur LH Rick

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