4 comments on “Field Notes: Fungi – Nature’s Sculptures

  1. These are sensational, Lee. I had no idea there were so many fungi and that so many of them are so beautiful. How did you know the squirrel was wounded? Will it survive? Thanks

    • Thank You for visiting my blog and leaving this lovely comment. I am always on the lookout for the Fungi now, they change color with rain, snow, sun and humidity. The sweet Squirrel if you look closely has an open puncture which is more evident in other photos in the link above the photo. Often Squirrels in the park are grabbed by dogs that are not on a leash as required by park rules. Even though they escape the teeth marks are visible against the white chest fur. Some survive and others likely do not, I try to keep an eye out for them.
      Kindest Thoughts and Wishes,

  2. The pink fungus tentatively named Cinnabar Red polypore…is actually Phlebia incarnata, which typically grows alongside Stereum ostrea (False Turkey Tails), which is also visible in your photo. It has a white underside that looks like veins and wrinkles, while Cinnabar Red polypores usually have a red underside with tiny pores. Fungi are a wonderful way to get to know more about the natural world. Enjoy!

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