7 comments on “In Memory of My Mother: A Morning in the Forest

  1. This is a gorgeous piece of work and I agree with you about the hummingbird. Mom gets to see it all and I’m glad. It is a beautiful place for you to be and your work and spirit reflects it. I am amazed every day when you come home with the magic box. I shake my head when I think I’ve been here almost 12 years now; and seen a few squirrels and birds; you’ve been here 1 year and as your blog reflects have seen the entire jungle!! Wow. Love Ur Husband. Rick

    • I Love You Baby! You are my heart and I am blessed to be your wife. I love sharing with you the beautiful images that are captured in my magic box as hike in the Forest. Thank You for believing in my dream. Love Your Wife Lee xx00xx

  2. I’m very sorry abourt your loss. I get emotional when I hear about others losing their mothers. I lost my mom 6 years ago to cancer. I had made this tribute vdeo for her. I’ll keep you in prayer.

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